The Court system encourages mediation as an important means to settle disputes, and this perhaps is most relevant in family law cases. In fact, in New Jersey, divorcing couples are now primarily turning to mediation, as they recognize its various benefits.
If you are facing divorce, it may be in your best interests to consider the alternatives to traditional litigation through the courts. For decades, Haber Silver Russoniello & Dunn has provided quality legal services for those in court and those who choose to resolve their matter through alternative dispute resolution. Our attorneys have extensive experience working as mediators with couples. We are compassionate legal professionals that care about the wellbeing of our clients and we understand the emotional and financial realities of each family differ. We will help you select the best method for you. If you are interested in knowing more about the divorce mediation process or if you need to hire a mediator to guide you through the process, contact Haber Silver Russoniello & Dunn.
Divorce mediation comes with many benefits. Avoiding less costly litigation is often in everyone’s best interests. This is clearly the case that courts explore the practicality of alternative dispute resolution before diving into litigation. Below are just some of the many benefits of mediation.
Saving time and money: Mediation is usually less costly than litigating a divorce. The couple saves time and money by avoiding multiple court appearances and trial expenses. When litigating, the process of discovery is a time-consuming, and invasive often leading to costly legal fees. While some litigated cases can last years, many participants in divorce mediation are settled and are moving forward with their lives in a fraction of the time.
Retaining control over the future: One of the most significant benefits of mediation is the control the couple retains over their future. When a couple litigates their divorce, a judge has the final say. For many marital issues, the court’s ruling may seem arbitrary because judges often follow a set of guidelines to help navigate cases in the manner the judge views as fair. When a couple can make informed decisions and resolve marital issues for themselves, they are often happier with the result.
Avoiding the emotional toll on themselves: When couples decide to engage in mediation, they are doing so voluntarily. As they choose to set aside their differences and avoid litigation, many feel a sense of relief that they are going to end their marriage cooperatively and not fight it out in court.
Trusting in the confidentiality of the process: Much of the success in the divorce mediation process stems from the confidentiality of the process. These sessions are private and the terms discussed cannot be used or disclosed if the couple eventually must take their case to a judge. The mediation process allows couples to freely speak about the important issues without concern that his or her history could be disclosed publically in court records.
Mitigating the impact of the divorce on the family: One of the most understated benefits of mediation is the impact on the future of the family. For many divorced parents, litigation is one of the most tumultuous times in the life of their child. When parents engage in mediation, however, they model healthy ways to resolve disputes. Furthermore, mediation is mutually beneficial. When parents come together to resolve marital issues, they often see the possibility and practicality of forging a new, cooperative relationship for future co-parenting.
If you are interested in knowing more about the divorce process, our firm is ready to help. For decades, Haber Silver Russoniello & Dunn has provided the necessary support to couples divorcing throughout the State. Having significant experience litigating divorces, our firm recognizes the negative consequences a court case has on the individual and their family. While we are ready to help all clients through the process of litigation, we are also privileged to provide excellent mediation services, guiding couples through their divorce in a more time efficient and economical manner. If you are interested in our divorce mediation services or wish to discuss this topic further, contact Haber Silver Russoniello & Dunn.
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